Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Server 2012 misreports failure mode on role installs sometimes

So, a fresh Server 2012 R2 install, attempt to install WSUS on it.

I get back the error that the installation failed because the server needed to be restarted. Restart it, try again, same error.

Look in the logs, I find I have messages of the following form in Event Viewer:
Update IIS-ISAPIFilter of package IIS-WebServer-Core-Package failed to be turned on. Status: 0x80070bc9.

Oh good, time to look up error codes. Lots of searching seems to think that was a firewall/antivirus problem, but this is a lab machine without an antivirus and with the firewall disabled. There goes that theory.

Looking around, I find a nice logon failure in my Event Viewer logs that clues me into the underlying problem:
Logon Type: 5

Account For Which Logon Failed:
Security ID: NULL SID
Account Domain: NT SERVICE

Failure Information:
Failure Reason: The user has not been granted the requested logon type at this machine.
Status: 0xC000015B
Sub Status: 0x0

Hm, WID (Windows Internal Database)'s service account is failing to start because it doesn't have the correct permissions?

So, it turns out, we have a GPO in our domain which assigns Log on as a service rights to a specific set of accounts, none of which is NT SERVICE\[...]. As a result, Windows Server 2012 does the following:

  • attempts to install WID
  • attempts to grant WID user log on as a service right
  • attempts to start WID service, fails because user lacks said right
  • fails with "Server needs to restart." (!?)
I worked around this quickly and dirtily by adding the account to Administrators and granting Administrators that right on the relevant subset of the domain, but this is obviously not a remotely Good Idea as a long-term solution.

Just wanted to write this up so that people who run into this have an easier time than I did diagnosing it.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Windows 8/Server 2012 and VAMT

So, I recently had occasion to try to integrate Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Server 2012, and 2012 R2 hosts into our VAMT setup.

Much to my dismay, VAMT 3.0 (from SDK v7) rejected the Windows 8 and newer keys.

So I Googled for Windows SDK, got the ADK from MSDN from the top result, installed it...

...and got VAMT 3.0 and erroring out on those keys. What?

So, after much searching, it seems you need ADK 8.1 (or at least, VAMT 3.1, which is in ADK 8.1) to use these keys with it, which you can find here, despite search results not listing it on top as of this posting.

Hope this helps someone, since I couldn't find anyone who had posted about this online.